Mar 06,2024
- Ledger 设备
- 查看恢复短语准备重置。支持 BIP39/BIP44 恢复短语。
- 操作系统版本至少为 Windows 8.1、macOS 10.15(64 位)或 Linux Ubuntu 20.04(64 位)的计算机或操作系统版本至少为 Android 8.1 或 i0S 13+ 的智能手机。
- Ledger Live 应用程序已下载并安装完毕
Ledger Live 提供交互式设置说明。打开应用程序开始操作。
步骤 1. 通过恢复短语进行重置
- 使用随附的 USB-C 线将 Ledger Nano S Plus 连接到您的计算机。重置或全新的 Ledger 设备应显示以下内容:Welcome to Ledger Nano S Plus. Press right button to continue.(欢迎使用 Ledger Nano S Plus。按右按钮继续)。
如果设备马上要求输入识别码,请联系我们。继续使用此设备可能不安全。 - 按右按钮浏览屏幕上的说明。
- 同时按两个按钮来选择 Restore from recovery phrase(通过恢复短语重置)选项。
步骤 2. 选择您的识别码
- 当设备显示 Choose PIN with 4 to 8 digits(选择 4 到 8 位识别码)时,同时按两个按钮。
- 按右侧或左侧按钮选择识别码的第一位数字。
- 同时按两个按钮验证数字。
- 重复此过程,直到输入全部 4 到 8 位数字为止。
- 选择
确认您的 4 到 8 位识别码。使用退格
- 再次输入识别码进行确认。
- 选择您自己的 PIN 识别码。此密码会解锁您的设备。
- 使用 8 位数密码提高安全性。
- 切勿使用送达时已设置识别码和/或恢复短语的设备。
- 如有疑问,请联系Ledger客服,本官网用户请发送邮件到:kitty@sygroup.com.sg
步骤 3. 输入您的恢复短语
- 选择恢复短语的长度(12、18 或 24 个助记词)。同时按两个按钮进行确认。
- 使用左侧或右侧按钮,输入第一个词的首字母。同时按两个按钮验证每个字母。
- 从提示中选中第一个词。同时按两个按钮进行确认。
- 重复此流程,直到完成恢复短语的最后一个助记词。
在您成功完成设置流程后会显示 Your device is ready(您的设备已准备就绪)。 - 同时按住两个按钮 3 秒钟可打开 Control Center(控制中心)。
- 任何能够获得您恢复短语的人都能取走您的资产。请妥善保管。
- Ledger 不会保存您 24 个助记词的备份。确保您是唯一的持有人。
- 切勿使用送达时已设置恢复短语和/或 PIN 识别码的设备。
- 如有疑问,请联系Ledger客服,本官网用户请发送邮件到:kitty@sygroup.com.sg
- 确保选择了正确的恢复短语长度。始终输入恢复短语的所有词。
- 核实在设备上输入词的顺序是否与您恢复表上记录的顺序一致。
- 检查您恢复短语中的词是否都在 BIP39 助记词列表中。
不使用 Ledger 设备时,请务必将其锁定,确保其他人无法使用您的设备。
- 查看这些提示,了解如何妥善保管您的恢复短语和识别码。
- 在您的设备上安装应用程序并在 Ledger Live 中添加账户。
- 接收和发送加密资产。
Before you start
- Ensure you have the latest version of Ledger Live installed on your phone or computer.
- Have your Ledger device on hand.
- Ensure you possess your 24-word recovery phrase. (We support BIP39/BIP44 standard recovery phrases).
- You'll require a computer running at least Windows 10, macOS 10.15 (64-bit), or Linux Ubuntu 20.04 (64-bit), or a smartphone with Android 10 or iOS 15+.
Video instructions
Step by step
Ledger Live features interactive setup instructions. Simply open the app to get started.
Step 1. Restore from recovery phrase
- Connect the Ledger Nano S Plus to your computer using the supplied USB-C cable. A reset or brand new Ledger device should display the following: Welcome to Ledger Nano S Plus. Press right button to continue.
Note:Please contact us if the device immediately asks for a PIN code. It may not be safe to continue using this device. - Press the right button to navigate through the on-screen instructions.
- Press both buttons simultaneously to choose the option Restore from recovery phrase.
Step 2. Choose your PIN code
- Press both buttons when Choose PIN with 4 to 8 digits is displayed on the device.
- Press the right or left button to choose the first digit of your PIN code.
- Press both buttons to validate a digit.
- Repeat the process until you've entered 4 to 8 digits.
- Select
to confirm your PIN code of 4 to 8 digits. Use the backspace
to erase a digit.
- Confirm your PIN code by entering it once more.
Security tips
- Choose your own PIN code. This code unlocks your device.
- Use 8 digits for optimal security.
- Never use a device supplied with a PIN code and/or a recovery phrase.
- Contact Ledger Support in case of doubt.
Step 3. Enter your recovery phrase
- Choose the length of your recovery phrase (12, 18, or 24 words). Press both buttons to validate.
- Enter the first letters of Word #1 by selecting them with the right or left button. Press both buttons to validate each letter.
- Choose Word #1 from the suggested words. Press both buttons to validate it.
- Repeat the process until the last word of your recovery phrase.
Your device is ready is shown once you've successfully completed the setup process. - Press both buttons for 3 seconds to open the Control Center.
Security tips
- Anyone with access to your recovery phrase could take your assets. Store it securely.
- Ledger does not keep a backup of your 24 words. Ensure you are the only holder.
- Never use a device supplied with a recovery phrase and/or a PIN code.
- Contact Ledger Support in case of doubt.
Invalid recovery phrase?
- Make sure the correct recovery phrase length is selected. Always enter all words of a recovery phrase.
- Verify that the order of the words entered on the device matches the order on your Recovery sheet.
- Check that all the words of your recovery phrase are on the BIP39 word list.
Security tip
When you are not using your Ledger device, please be sure to lock it to ensure that no one else can use your device.
Next steps
You've successfully restored the private keys linked to the recovery phrase on your device.
- Check these tips on how to secure your recovery phrase and PIN code.
- Install apps on your device and add accounts in Ledger Live.
- Receive and send crypto assets.