
售后保障 After Sales Warranty

Q:Is it authentic?
A:We are the official authorized distributor of Ledger, and all products sold are imported in their original condition, directly from Ledger, with 100% guarantee of authenticity. You can find us on the authorized dealer list on the Ledger official website.

问:Ledger 产品的产地是哪里?
Q:Where is it manufactured?
答:除了Ledger Nano S Plus Mattle Black是由法国设计匈牙利组装外,其他均产自法国
A:All the products are manufactured in France, except for the model Ledger Nano S Plus-Matte Black, they are designed in France and made in Hungary.

Q:How to return or exchange?
答:我们有 15 天的未拆封退换货政策,这意味着您在收到商品想改变主意了有 15 天的时间申请退换货(不过需要您承担退换货所涉及的运费)。
请留意,如果要申请退换货,请您先发邮件给到我们的官方客服kitty@sygroup.com.sg;其次,您的商品必须与您收到时的状态相同,未拆封,带有原塑封膜。如果您的退货被官方客服接受,我们会提供您将包裹寄送到何处的说明。未先与官方客服申请退换货而寄回给我们的商品将不被接受。如有任何退换货问题,您可随时通过邮件与我们官方客服 kitty@sygroup.com.sg 取得联系。
A:We have a 15 days return and exchange policy. In the event that you have a change of mind after receiving the product, product must be returned in its original packaging, sealed with no signs of usage (Customer will need to bear the shipping costs involved in the return or exchange).
Should you want to apply for a return or exchange, please send an email to our representative kitty@sygroup.com.sg before returning the product back to us. Please make sure that the product is in the same condition as when you received it, sealed, with the original plastic film. If your return is accepted by our representative, we will provide instructions on how to return the product. Products returned to us without first applying for a return or exchange with our representative will not be accepted. If you have any return or exchange issues, please contact our representative via email kitty@sygroup.com.sg get in touch.

Q:Is there a warranty? What should I do if there is a quality issue?
答:您不要担心,我们的硬件钱包产品均支持Ledger官方一年原厂保修政策。保修政策自购买之日起生效,有效期为一 (1) 年(“保修期”)。任何更换产品、维修产品或更换部件,将承担原始产品保修期剩余的任何时间。
如发生产品质量问题,请您第一时间拍照拍视频联系我们的官方客服kitty@sygroup.com.sg 请留意,由于使用护理不当、意外损坏、自然使用的磨损和老化等情况,不属于保修范围。更多保修问题您可咨询我们官方客服,或查看Ledger 官网保修政策
A:Don't worry, all our hardware wallet products comes with official Ledger's one-year original factory warranty policy. The warranty policy takes effect from the date of purchase and is valid for one (1) year (the "warranty period"). Any replacement of products, repair of products, or replacement of parts will bear any remaining time of the original product warranty period. Should there be any quality issue with our product, please take photos and videos and contact our representative, kitty@sygroup.com.sg as soon as possible. Please note that improper use and care, accidental damage, natural wear and aging, etc., are not covered by the warranty. For more warranty issues, you can consult our representative or check the warranty policy on the Ledger official website

Q:How to solve other after-sales problems?
A:We provide 24/7 customer service. If you have any questions, please contact our representative via email: kitty@sygroup.com.sg .