
为什么选择Ledger Why Choose Ledger

问:Ledger 是什么?
Q:What is Ledger ?
答:Ledger 是全球领先的加密货币和 NFT 平台,通过将 Ledger 硬件钱包与 Ledger Live 应用程序相结合,让您最安全、轻松地踏上加密货币之旅,同时仍然完全掌控自己的数字资产。
A:Ledger is the world's leading platform for crypto and NFTs, combining Ledger hardware with the Ledger Live app to offer you the easiest and safest way to start your crypto journey while maintaining full control over your digital assets.

问:Ledger 钱包主要有哪些优势?
Q:What are the main benefits of Ledger wallets ?  
答:热钱包如果遭遇黑客攻击,您可能会丢失全部资产。但若将您的加密资产私钥存储在 Ledger 钱包中,就没有与互联网连接,黑客就无法访问私钥或私钥所保护的资产。
A:If a hot wallet gets hacked, you could be left empty-handed. Securing the private keys for your crypto assets on a Ledger wallet means they are disconnected from the internet, so there’s no way for hackers to access the key, or the assets they’re securing. 

问:Ledger 设备丢失了怎么办?
Q:What if I lose my Ledger device ?
答:即使实体钱包丢失,您的加密资产也能保持安全。首次设置设备时,您将获得一个只有您自己可以访问的 24 词恢复短语。秘密恢复短语是您所有 Ledger 账户的私钥。只要您可以访问秘密恢复短语,您就可以在任何新 Ledger 设备上或在重置 Ledger 设备时,用它来恢复您的加密货币账户。
A:Crypto assets stay secure even if you lose your physical wallet. When setting up the device for the first time, you will get a 24-word recovery phrase that only you will have access to. Your secret recovery phrase represents the private keys to all your Ledger accounts. As long as you have access to this secret recovery phrase, you’ll be able to use it to restore your crypto accounts into any new or reset Ledger device.

Q:How to keep my secret recovery phrase safe ? 
答:切勿将您的私密恢复短语告诉任何人,包括 Ledger。任何企图获取您恢复短语的人都应被视为诈骗者。始终留存私密恢复短语的物理副本,而非数字副本。您的恢复短语需要严格保持离线状态。你可以点击了解更多
A:Never share your secret recovery phrase with anyone, including Ledger. Anyone trying to access your recovery phrase should be considered a scammer. Always keep a physical copy of your recovery phrase and never a digital one. Your recovery phrase needs to stay strictly offline. You can visit the link to get more information

问:如果想要多个账户,需要购买多台 Ledger 设备吗?
Q:If I want more accounts, I need more Ledgers, right? 
答:不,一台 Ledger 设备即可支持各种区块链,可以在这些网络上创建几乎无限数量的账户,因此您可以同时管理各种代币。
A:No, a single Ledger device supports a large range of blockchain and can create a near-infinite amount of accounts on these networks, so you can manage a wide array of tokens simultaneously

问:一个账户可以持有多少 NFT?
Q:How many NFTs can one of these hold?
答:您可以在一个 Ledger 账户中持有任意数量的 NFT。但是,NFT 位于不同的区块链上。有些在以太坊上,有些在索拉纳上,等等。您的 Ledger 设备只能在支持的区块链上创建账户。
A:You can keep as many NFTs as you want in a single Ledger account. However: NFTs live on different blockchains. Some live on Ethereum, some on Solana, etc. Your Ledger device can only create accounts on supported blockchains. 

问:各款 Ledger 设备有什么区别?
Q:What are the differences between the various Ledger devices? 
答:在安全性级别以及加密货币和 NFT 访问方面,所有 Ledger 设备均相同。Ledger Stax 是我们搭载最新技术 Ledger 设备,配备可自定义的 EInk 曲面触摸屏。Ledger Nano X 是一款移动优先 Ledger 设备,方便日常外出使用。 Ledger Nano S Plus 是入门级 Ledger 设备,简单易用,具备所有基本功能,可确保您的数字资产安全无虞。除了许多相似之处外,这两个钱包之间也存在显着差异。Ledger Nano X 具有蓝牙功能,并与适用于 iOS 的 Ledger Live 兼容。而Ledger Nano S Plus 兼容64 位桌面计算机(Windows 8+、macOS 10.8+、Linux),不包括 ARM 处理器。也兼容智能手(Android 7+),但不兼容苹果手机。
A:All Ledger devices are the same when it comes to security levels, as well as password and NFT access. Ledger Stax is our latest technology Ledger device, featuring a customizable EInk curved touchscreen. The Ledger Nano X is a mobile-first Ledger device designed for everyday use on the go. The Ledger Nano S Plus is an entry-level Ledger device that is easy to use and has all the essential features to keep your digital assets safe and secure.In addition to the many similarities, there are also significant differences between these two wallets. The Ledger Nano X is Bluetooth-enabled and compatible with Ledger Live for iOS. The Ledger Nano S Plus is compatible with 64-bit desktop computers (Windows 8+, macOS 10.8+, Linux), excluding ARM processors. Also compatible with smartphones (Android 7+), but not Apple phones.

问:蓝牙是否会影响 Ledger Stax 或 Ledger Nano X 的安全性?
Q:Does Bluetooth affect the security of Ledger Stax or Ledger Nano X? 
答:私钥永远不会离开安全芯片,因此蓝牙通信 (BLE) 不会使 Ledger Stax 或 Ledger Nano X 面临任何额外的安全威胁。BLE 是端到端的加密连接,可以保护用户隐私。尽管不太可能发生,但如果 BLE 传输遭到侵入,攻击者将永远无法提取私钥,也无法让用户签署自己不想签署的交易。
A:The private keys never leave the secured chip, therefore Bluetooth communication (BLE) does not expose the Ledger Stax or Ledger Nano X to any additional security threat. The BLE connection is end-to-end encrypted to protect user privacy. In the unlikely case, the BLE transport was to be compromised, an attacker would never be able to extract private keys or make users sign a transaction they do not wish to sign. 

Q:What if my hardware wallet is damaged?
A:Buy a new device as soon as possible and use a "mnemonic" phrase to restore it. The hardware wallet is backed up through a mnemonic phrase. When you use it for the first time, the device will generate a 24-word "mnemonic phrase". When your wallet is lost or damaged, you can use this "mnemonic phrase" to restore your wallet account and assets.You can visit the link to get more information

问:Ledger Nano S Plus 支持哪些币种?
Q:What currencies does Ledger Nano S Plus support?
答:使用 Ledger Nano S Plus,您可以管理超过 5500 种币和代币。包括比特币、以太坊和瑞波币,以及安装多达上百种应用程序。您可以通过点击链接查询所支持的币和代币的完整列表:https://www.ledger.com/zh-hans/supported-crypto-assets
A:With Ledger Nano S Plus, you can manage over 5500 coins and tokens. Includes Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, and installs hundreds of applications. You can check the complete list of supported coins and tokens via the following link: https://www.ledger.com/zh-hans/supported-crypto-assets

问:Ledger Nano X 支持哪些币种?
Q:What currencies does Ledger Nano X support?
答:使用 Ledger Nano X,您可以管理超过 5500 种币和代币。包括比特币、以太坊和瑞波币,以及安装多达上百种应用程序。您可以通过以下链接查询所支持的币和代币的完整列表:https://www.ledger.com/zh-hans/supported-crypto-assets
A:With Ledger Nano X, you can manage over 5500 coins and tokens. Includes Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, and installs hundreds of applications. You can check the complete list of supported coins and tokens via the following link: https://www.ledger.com/zh-hans/supported-crypto-assets

问:如何将您的加密货币从交易所转移到 Ledger Nano S Plus 或 Ledger Nano X?
Q:How to transfer your cryptocurrencies from an exchange to Ledger Nano S Plus or Ledger Nano X? 
答:使用 Ledger Live 应用程序,可以轻松地将加密货币从交易所转移到您的 Ledger Nano S Plus 或 Ledger Nano X。您需要生成一个存款地址,然后将其粘贴到您的交易账户中以提取资金。当您将加密货币提取到 Ledger,资产由您来一手掌控,而不是经由第三方。您可以访问了解更多
A:Transferring cryptocurrencies from exchanges to your Ledger Nano S Plus or Ledger Nano X is easy using the Ledger Live app. You need to generate a deposit address and then paste it into your trading account to withdraw funds. When you withdraw your cryptocurrency to Ledger, you control the assets, not a third party. You can visit Learn more

Q:Are there any fees for transactions using a hardware wallet?
A:Hardware wallets conduct transactions directly on the network. Unlike currency withdrawals from exchanges, hardware wallets do not charge handling fees other than mining fees when conducting transactions. Hardware wallet manufacturers or clients will never charge any fees or require account registration. 

问:如何使用Ledger Nano X?
Q:How to use Ledger Nano X?
答:将您的 Ledger Nano X 设置为新设备即可开始使用。它将生成新的私钥,以便您可以管理您的加密资产。您还将写下新的 24 字恢复短语。
当您不使用 Ledger Nano X 时,请务必将其锁定,以确保其他人无法使用您的设备。
请注意:Ledger Nano X 无法通过蓝牙连接到桌面版 Ledger Live。它仅与移动设备兼容,不能与运行 Chrome 操作系统的 Chromebook 或平板电脑设备一起使用。
你需要什么?Ledger Nano X,建议使用配备最新 iOS 13(Apple 设备)或 Android 8.1(Android 设备)的设备。对于计算机用户,支持以下操作系统:Windows 10 或 11、macOS Big Sur、macOS Monterey、macOS Ventura 和 Ubuntu LTS 20.04 或 22.04(仅限 64 位版本,不包括 ARM 处理器)。
下载并安装了 Ledger Live 应用程序
Ledger Live 具有交互式设置说明。只需打开应用程序即可开始。
步骤 1. 设置为新设备
步骤 2. 选择您的 PIN 码
步骤 3. 保存您的恢复短语
当您不使用 Ledger Nano X 时,请务必将其锁定,以确保其他人无法使用您的设备。
当用户首次收到 Ledger 钱包时,必须始终按照以下流程进行初始化:
生成 PIN 码
生成 24 个单词
如果用户收到包含预先完成的恢复短语或 pin 码的设备,则该用户不应使用该设备,因为这意味着该设备可能已被其他人使用。 Ledger 绝不会随产品提供 PIN 码或恢复短语,也不会要求它们。在这种情况下,用户必须联系 Ledger 客户支持。
查看这些提示,了解如何保护您的恢复短语和 PIN 码。
在您的设备上安装应用程序并在 Ledger Live 中添加帐户。
A:Set up your Ledger Nano X as a new device to get started. It will generate new private keys so you can manage your crypto assets. You will also write down a new 24-word recovery phrase.
Alternatively, restore your device from a recovery phrase to recover the private keys linked to an existing recovery phrase.
When you are not using your Ledger Nano X, please be sure to lock it to ensure that no one else can use your device.
Please note: The Ledger Nano X cannot connect to the desktop version of Ledger Live via Bluetooth. It is only compatible with mobile devices and cannot be used with Chromebooks or tablet devices that run on Chrome OS. 
What you'll need? Ledger Nano X. It's recommended to use a device that is equipped with either the latest iOS 13 for Apple devices or Android 8.1 for Android devices. For computer users, the following operating systems are supported: Windows 10 or 11, macOS Big Sur, macOS Monterey, macOS Ventura, and Ubuntu LTS 20.04 or 22.04 (64-bit versions only, excluding ARM processors).
The Ledger Live application downloaded and installed
Step by step
Ledger Live features interactive setup instructions. Simply open the app to get started.
Step 1. Set up as new device
Step 2. Choose your PIN code
Step 3. Save your recovery phrase
Security tip
When you are not using your Ledger Nano X, please be sure to lock it to ensure that no one else can use your device.
Important disclaimer:
When a user first receives their Ledger wallet, it must always be initialised by following this process:
Powering on the device
Generating a pin code
Generating 24 words
If a user were to receive a device containing a pre-completed recovery phrase or a pin code, the user should not use the device, as it means that the device may have already been used by somebody else. Ledger will never provide a pin code or recovery phrase with the product, nor ever ask for them. Under these circumstances, the user must contact Ledger customer support.
Next steps
You've successfully generated new private keys on your device to manage a new set of accounts.
Check these tips on how to secure your recovery phrase and PIN code.
Install apps on your device and add accounts in Ledger Live.
Receive and send crypto assets.

问:如何使用Ledger Nano S PLUS?
Q:How to use Ledger Nano Nano S Plus?
答:首先,您可以将 Ledger Nano S Plus 设置为新设备,也可以从恢复短语恢复您的设备:
将 Nano S Plus 设置为新设备:它将生成新的私钥,以便您管理您的加密资产。您还将写下一个新的 24 字恢复短语,这是您私钥的唯一备份。本文将指导您完成设置过程。
要使用 Ledger Nano S Plus,首先将其打开并创建 PIN 码。然后,设备生成 24 个字。
如果您收到带有预先写好的恢复短语和/或 PIN 码的设备,请勿使用该设备。
Ledger 绝不会随产品提供 PIN 码或恢复短语,也不会要求它们。在这种情况下,您必须联系 Ledger 客户支持。
Ledger Nano S Plus 配有随附的微型 USB-C 线缆
对于移动用户,建议使用搭载Android 8.1或以上版本的设备。请注意,目前无法将 Ledger Nano S Plus 设备连接到 iPhone。
对于桌面用户,支持以下操作系统:Windows 10 或 11、macOS Big Sur、macOS Monterey、macOS Ventura 和 Ubuntu LTS 20.04 或 22.04(仅限 64 位版本,不包括 ARM 处理器)。
Ledger Live 应用程序已下载并安装在您的计算机上。​
Ledger Live 具有交互式设置说明。只需打开应用程序即可开始。
步骤 1. 设置为新设备
步骤 2. 选择您的 PIN 码
第 3 步:写下您的恢复短语
您已成功设置您的设备。您现在可以在设备上安装应用程序并在 Ledger Live 中添加帐户。
A:To get started, you can either set up your Ledger Nano S Plus as a new device or restore your device from your recovery phrase:
Set up your Nano S Plus as a new device: it will generate new private keys so you can manage your crypto assets. You will also write down a new 24-word recovery phrase, the only backup of your private keys. This article guides you through the setup process. 
Restore your device from a recovery phrase: it will recover the private keys linked to an existing recovery phrase.
 Important disclaimer
To use your Ledger Nano S Plus, first, turn it on and create a pin code. Then, the device generates the 24 words. 
If you receive a device with a pre-written recovery phrase and or PIN DO NOT USE THAT DEVICE.
Ledger will never provide a pin code or recovery phrase with the product, nor ever ask for them. Under these circumstances, you must contact Ledger customer support.
What you'll need
Ledger Nano S Plus with the supplied micro USB-C cable
For mobile users, it's recommended to use a device that is equipped with Android 8.1 or above. Please note that it's not possible to connect a Ledger Nano S Plus device to an iPhone for the moment.
For desktop users, the following operating systems are supported: Windows 10 or 11, macOS Big Sur, macOS Monterey, macOS Ventura, and Ubuntu LTS 20.04 or 22.04 (64-bit versions only, excluding ARM processors).
The Ledger Live application downloaded and installed on your computer.​
Ledger Live features interactive setup instructions. Simply open the app to get started.
Step 1. Set up as a new device
Step 2. Choose your PIN code
Step 3. Write down your recovery phrase
Your device is ready!
You've successfully set up your device. You can now install apps on your device and add accounts in Ledger Live.

Q: What if I still don't know how to use?
A: Don't worry, you can also seek help from our representative through email: kitty@sygroup.com.sg .